School Counselor, grades K-6
Student Services
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please contact Mobile Crisis at 1-866-275-9552, call 911, or go to the nearest hospital/emergency room. You can also contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 at any time.
The School Counseling office is here to support students, families, and staff members.
This site includes information about the department, the counselors, and services that we can provide.
Please contact us if we can help answer any questions or concerns.
We are honored to serve The North Carolina Leadership Academy Family!

Kate Kersey

Gina Tucker
School Counselor, grades 7-12
School Counseling Mission / Vision Statement
The NCLA Comprehensive School Counseling Program is geared toward the whole student. Our goal is to recognize, identify, strengthen, and encourage the gifts and talents of each student. Our job is to promote students' socioemotional health, academic success, and career development so they can excel in the classroom, achieve success in the world, and become contributing members of society.