Looking to carpool next year? - Check out the flyer for more information. School starts on August 13! Email Mr. Peascoe for the registration code: apeascoe@thencla.org He will verify you are an NCLA family.
6 months ago, Faenza Renee
High School Yearbook Signing and PIck-UP on Wednesday, July 31st 12 - 2 pm
6 months ago, Faenza Renee
Did you know our tennis shoe 👟 fundraiser is a year round simple fundraiser for our school?!? Do you have old tennis shoes or soccer cleats that you no longer need? Don’t throw them away- DONATE THEM HERE! We earn money to support FCS throughout the year! Boxes are in the elementary foyer!
6 months ago, The NCLA
Come visit if you need a new mattress!
6 months ago, The NCLA
Just a reminder that tomorrow is your chance to meet the owners of PACES and get your questions answered! We will meet in the multi-purpose room 6:00-7:00!!!
6 months ago, The NCLA
We are super proud of Carsyn Queen and Finley Foust for creating their mural and having the big unveiling on Friday at the WSPD. https://fb.watch/tjMOJluK3n/
6 months ago, The NCLA
Make sure your calendars are marked!!! One month until school starts!
6 months ago, The NCLA
Happy Summer! We are looking for a few used items. If you have any to donate, please drop them by the front office Mon - Thursday between 8 am and 4 pm.
6 months ago, Faenza Renee
Last chance to sign up for high school summer Math Camps., there are only a few spots left If you have any questions, please email either rpillen@thencla.org or dlandphair@thencla.or.
6 months ago, The NCLA
Rising 9th
Math 1 camp
Happy Summer! We are looking for a few used items. If you have any to donate, please drop them by the front office Mon - Thursday between 8 am and 4 pm.
6 months ago, Faenza Renee
Looking to carpool next year? - Check out the flyer for more information. Email Mr. Peascoe for the registration code: apeascoe@thencla.org He will verify you are an NCLA family.
6 months ago, Faenza Renee
If you are planning to use the NCLA logo on new shirts or other items before school starts, please make sure you are following the guidelines that are attached. https://secure.smore.com/n/kdgws
6 months ago, The NCLA
Please see our Required Calculator Guide to know what calculator your student needs to have for their upcoming math class!
7 months ago, Monica Bass
Middle School and High School families, if you didn't catch the Summer Newsletter with information about summer reading, parking, Math camps, Open houses and more, check it out. All newsletters are linked on theNCLA.org > Student and Family Resources > Weekly Newsletter https://forms.gle/d5mTDU7oHTM89BV29
7 months ago, The NCLA
High School students who wish to park on campus must complete this form. Please complete all sections. Spaces will be given to Seniors first, then Juniors, then Sophomores until we run out of spots. Seniors who plan to paint your spots, pay close attention to the instructions in that section and note the change of location for those spots. The form was also sent on Remind with a live link. https://forms.gle/o5jv99WuEwy61ubi8
7 months ago, The NCLA
This is a great way to kick off our school year!
7 months ago, The NCLA
Happy July birthdays!!!!
7 months ago, The NCLA
Looking to carpool next year? - Check out the flyer for more information. Email Mr. Peascoe for the registration code: apeascoe@thencla.org He will verify you are an NCLA family.
7 months ago, Faenza Renee
Our GO FAR team made the most recent newsletter! Way to go kids!
7 months ago, The NCLA